About Us
Habitat for Humanity of Benton County, Inc. is a non-denominational Christian housing organization. We partner with community sponsors and families living in poverty to build safe, simple, affordable and energy-efficient homes. Our goal is to eliminate poverty housing and make decent shelter a matter of conscience as well as action.

Brochures - English
Brochures - Spanish
Each Benton County Habitat home is paid for in three ways:
1. Through hundreds of hours of sweat equity by future Habitat Homeowners.
With the help of their friends and family, future Habitat Homeowners must complete 400 hours of sweat equity before the closing date.
2. Through monthly mortgage payments
Habitat homeowners pay off their homes with affordable, monthly mortgage payments.
3. By gift-in-kind donations and monetary donations from the community
Even though homeowners pay off their homes with an affordable, monthly mortgage payment, donations from the community pay for the initial cost of building the home.

Home Size:
The homes we build are modest in size, usually measuring about 1100-1400 sq. ft. The monthly mortgage payment is under $500 for an average of 20 years. Every house payment reverts back to a ‘Fund for Humanity’ that is used to begin new projects for additional families around the county.

Family Selection Committee:
New homeowners are considered on the basis of need, ability to repay and a willingness to partner with Habitat for Humanity to help future homeowners. Our Family Selection Committee processes each application carefully and fairly. Habitat for Humanity of Benton County, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age or marital status. Families of all types play an important role in our organization. Some families currently partnering with our Habitat include two-parent families with children, single-father/single-mother families, disabled homeowners and grandparents who are raising their grandchildren or great-grandchildren. They come from many different ethnic and religious backgrounds as well.